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Review: Carnival Games VR

One constant of the Carnival Games franchise is it embraces new methods of control. Carnival Games was there for the debut of Wii, Kinect and 3DS, the only new...


Review: WWE 2K17

Sports games are curious things. With year on year iterations, publishers always seem to be wracking their brains, desperate for the next big innovation. For...


Mafia 3 Review: A hit… and a miss

Mafia III is an interesting beast to play from a critic’s perspective. In some areas the game excels more than any other in the open world genre, whereas in...


Review: NBA 2K17

What I like about Visual Concepts’ take on the NBA 2K series is that they aren’t afraid to take chances and give new things a try. In NBA 2K16, they handed...


Review: XCOM 2

XCOM 2 lets you write epitaphs for your fallen soldiers. It also lets you extensively customise their appearance and give them detailed biographies, but...

XCOM 2 gets a console launch trailer

2K and Firaxis have today released an XCOM 2 console launch trailer ahead of the title’s official release. Check it out below: XCOM 2 will be available...


Review: Bioshock: The Collection

If you’ve played a Bioshock game before, you know how good the franchise is. If not, you owe it to yourself to find out just what the hell I’m talking about...