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Review: Sega Rally Online Arcade

Anyone who has ever set foot in a real life arcade would undoubtedly be familiar with this kamikaze style of a corner smashing car racing game. The concept is...


Review: Ms. ‘Splosion Man

When Pac-Man proved to be an arcade success, North American company Midway went and did what any money-hungry corporation would do: made an unauthorised sequel...


Review: Fallout: New Vegas

One of the first games I ever played on my Xbox 360 was Fallout 3. I’d never heard of the franchise before, but immediately, I was in love. How could you...


Review: Tiny Tower

WARNING: Do not play this game if you have an addictive personality or obsessive-compulsive tendencies. If only someone had warned me before I got in over my...


Review: Yoostar 2: In the Movies

Just like Scene It before it, the cinephile in me made the idea of Yoostar 2 just too good to resist. Sadly, just like the latest instalment of what was my...


Review: Rivet

As a Mac-user in a household of only Apple products, owning an Xbox can sometimes be challenging. After seeing the amazing file-sharing capabilities of...


Review: Nintendo 3DS

There’s no denying that Nintendo’s new portable console, the 3DS, is a remarkable piece of hardware. Once again Nintendo is attempting to take that...


Review: Macbook Air

Until late last year, the MacBook Air was the black sheep of the MacBook family. It was ultra-portable, but it kicked up a lot of heat, had very little in the...


Review: Tron Evolution

Mention Tron Legacy and you’ll have a look of pure bliss or utter disdain returned by the masses. At least we can all agree that the Daft Punk soundtrack...


Review: Pokémon Black and White

The Pokémon franchise has been, arguably, one of the biggest draw cards for Nintendo’s handheld systems for the past 13 years (plus a couple more in the...


Review: Torchlight

Now that my fingers have recovered from the repetitive strain injury that was caused by this button masher of a game I can finally write my review. This...


Review: Kirby’s Epic Yarn

It’s been ten years since soft and cuddly Kirby made his last major appearance on a home Nintendo system, in the form of 3D platformer Kirby 64: The Crystal...


Review: HTC HD7

As you may or may not be aware, I was lucky enough to review the HTC Mozart upon its arrival to Australia. I enjoyed it so much, it ended up replacing my...


Review: You Don’t Know JACK!

Nostalgia can go a long way, but it usually doesn’t commit someone to buy a canine and name him Cookie Masterson. What am I talking about? You...


Review: Dead Space 2

Survival horror. Strategic dismemberment. Whatever you want to call the genre it’s slotted into, Dead Space 2 is here, it’s loud, in your face and...


Review: Kinect Joy Ride

Let’s face it – most of us bought our Kinect units to have different game play experiences. Dance Central and even Kinect Adventures are titles...


Review: Kinect Sports

First impressions can be a bad thing – and the funny thing is in this case, I bet you’re guilty of the same thoughts I had as soon as I heard about...