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Tag - Xbox Live Arcade


Review: Trenched

Double Fine’s Trenched is the latest Xbox Live Arcade downloadable title provided by the ever-creative team behind other indie darlings such as Stacking...


Review: Fruit Ninja Kinect

I’m sure you’ve had one of those moments where you do something, and at the exact same time know you shouldn’t be, right? My separated...


Review: Sega Rally Online Arcade

Anyone who has ever set foot in a real life arcade would undoubtedly be familiar with this kamikaze style of a corner smashing car racing game. The concept is...


Review: Ms. ‘Splosion Man

When Pac-Man proved to be an arcade success, North American company Midway went and did what any money-hungry corporation would do: made an unauthorised sequel...


Review: Torchlight

Now that my fingers have recovered from the repetitive strain injury that was caused by this button masher of a game I can finally write my review. This...