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Archive - February 2014


Review: Fable Anniversary

Given that I entered the world of Xbox in the age of 360, I never had the opportunity to play the original Fable. My experience with the series started with...


Review: Toukiden: The Age of Demons

Take one part Onimusha, two parts Dynasty Warriors, and an extra healthy serving of Monster Hunter (with Monster Hunter sides, and perhaps a second helping of...


Preview: Evolve

Very little had been revealed about Evolve prior to my hands-on with the game in Sydney's Australia Museum last week, so I sat down to play it with zero...


Preview: Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is a game that doesn't take itself too seriously. It knows it's a schlocky, zombie hack and slash and it embraces it fully. It's got...


Preview: Dark Souls II

Not game to play in front of a group of people, I watched as 500-hour veteran of Dark Souls sank his teeth into Dark Souls II. The player rolled, parried...